A mistake on a porn site (Mg)

A mistake on a porn site (Mg)

Author: Uncle Tony

Prologue: A young boy decides to prove to a friend that he knows about sex. His friend posts the clip to a porn site, who publish it, not realizing that the girl is under age.

I first saw her in the UK whilst I was working as a Project Manager in 2014, installing some new equipment for the city hospital. I was staying in a bed and breakfast for the duration of the contract which was to be for four months. I used to have lunch every Saturday and Sunday in the main square. I was fascinated by her. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She would walk by with an older buy, which I assumed was her brother although it might have been a boy-friend. They would look at the ice creams, cakes and other things, but I never saw either of them buy anything..

I think I have to tell you a bit about me before I continue. My name is Max, I’m twenty six and a project manager. I live in a deserted village in Spain. My father bought the entire place and started to renovate it. It wasn’t a big village, around twenty houses, all empty, a few shops on what had once been a Main Street, a church, a couple of bars and the mayor’s house, which is where I was now living. My dad had completely renovated the house. It had a big pool, gym, sauna and the house had 8 bedrooms, four of them with en-suite bathrooms, and a bar, TV room, several lounges, library etc., I lived alone and although I didn’t need to work, I took short term project management jobs which interested me, wherever they happened to be.

I didn’t have a wife or even a girl friend now. When I was six, my aunt who was staying with us for a couple of weeks, had taught me how to pleasure myself by jerking off. A couple of years later, her daughter, my cousin had taught me how to fuck her. When she went back after the holidays, I found some girls at school who were keen to experiment with sex and make use of my new-found expertise, so everything was fine. When I left school, we moved to a different town. I had a girl friend and after a few dates, she took me to her place. Everything was great until she got undressed. She had rather large breasts and a mass of black pubic hair which smelled of stale urine. Both items just turned me off completely. I mumbled excuses about the food, but that was the end of a beautiful friendship. It happened twice more before I gave up the idea of girls and when I had to do, I would pleasure myself. I had never even thought about sex with younger girls. The idea of an older man, fucking an under age girl, was strictly taboo, but there was no harm in looking, was there?

When the contract finished, I went back to Spain and carried on renovating some of the houses. The village I owned was in the middle of nowhere, but I had the idea of renting the houses out for vacationers and opening a car hire service. One night I was feeling a bit down in the dumps, so I fired up my computer. The Internet connection sucked big time, but it worked albeit very slow. I started browsing a porn site hoping to find something which might excite me. Suddenly, I froze. There was a clip entitled. “Watch me fucking my sister” the face of the girl looked familiar. I watched the clip and to my surprise, the girl was the one I had enjoyed watching in the UK at weekends. There was just a glimpse of the boy’s face and it was him. The same boy that I had seen her with in the square.

As I watched, I could imagine myself fucking this gorgeous, angelic, little girl, her lovely body lying in the bed with me, my erection buried deep in her little, bald pussy. My dick was bursting and it was at that moment I realized to my horror, I was a budding pedophile, a pedophile with a huge problem. I could never, ever force a child to do anything it didn’t want to do and I would have cut my own throat rather than hurt one. So what now? Ah well, I still had two hands and I imagined myself with this little angel as I jacked off several times.

For the next couple of weeks, this clip and the girl occupied all my thoughts. First, how had it got onto a porn site. It was illegal to show children under eighteen. OK, this girl had beautiful small firm breasts, and I suppose one could assume that her little bald cunny was shaved, but once you had seen her in the flesh, anyone would instantly know that she couldn’t be a day older than twelve or thirteen I was having trouble sleeping. All I wanted was a chance to fuck this little darling, but how? I could blackmail her, but the problem would then be that although she would probably let me, she would be unwilling and I couldn’t imagine fucking an unwilling girl. They certainly didn’t seem rich, maybe, just maybe, if I made a deal with the brother, he might introduce me and persuade her to spend a night with me or even an hour.

I called the B&B where I had stayed and booked two weeks with them. It was May and nice and warm. The afternoon I arrived, I spent in the square and sure enough, the pair of them walked by with their school satchels. On the third afternoon, I deliberately turned and bumped into the boy. I made it look like an accident.

“Oh, I’m so sorry.” I apologized. “Did I hurt you? Here let me help you.” I bent down and picked up the two books that he had dropped. I was wearing an expensive suit, white shirt and tie. I had guessed that this sort of attire wouldn’t scare them.

“No, it’s alright, mister. Thanks” as I gave him his books. I looked at the titles one of them was Algebra.

“I see you are doing Algebra. Do you like maths?”

“Yeah, it’s my best subject.”

“So how old are you then?” I asked.

“Almost sixteen. I want to go to University when I’m finished at school. I want to read Physics”

“Good for you. Here. Let me buy you both an ice cream to make up for almost knocking you down.” They looked at each other. The girl nodded.

“Thanks, you don’t have to do, but we won’t say no.” I found an empty table. They liked any ice cream, so I got them each strawberry and vanilla sundaes, big ones. I watched them eat and I guessed that ice cream was something they didn’t get very much of.

“I’m Max.” I told them. I’m a project manager. I was here earlier putting in some new equipment for the hospital. The girl smiled. I know. I saw you here several times before. It’s hard to miss a big man like you, always dressed up. I thought you might have been a doctor or something. I’m Susan. This is my big brother Peter. He looks out for me.” Too bloody true, I thought and then some!

“So are you in the same form as your brother then.” I asked.

“Good gracious no. I’m fourteen in September. I’ve also at Peter’s school. I’m not as clever as Pete, especially maths. I hate it.”

“So Pete is going to be a world famous physicist, what are you going to be?” I asked her.

“Me? I just want to find a nice man who will love me and I want to have a baby, but I don’t want to end up like mom. She had me when she was twelve and my father just ran off and left her on her own. Then Peter’s dad married her and he also ran off and went to Canada and mom got lumbered with both of us. I’m glad though. Pete always looks out for me.” I was surprised. First because she was so relaxed and talkative and secondly because her mother must have been very young. I saw Pete give his sister a warning look and I saw the slight frown

“So how old is mom then?” I asked.

“Susan talks too much.” He snapped. “She’s twenty four and she’s a wonderful person. She works and she does everything for us.”

“It must be hard for her.” I ventured. “Not easy sending two children through school, with no dad. I hope you both try to help her.” There was a far away look in the boy’s eyes. I wondered it it was only his sister that he was fucking. I bought them both another ice cream and a tall glass of fresh orange juice each.

“Do you come here every afternoon?” Susan asked.

“Yes, but I’m only here for a few days, just tidying up a few loose ends at the hospital. Tell you what. If you come this way tomorrow, we could share an ice cream again. It’s been great talking to you. I live alone when I’m not working, so it’s nice to have someone to chat to.” Susan looked pleased.

“Hey, that would be great. Aren’t you married? Where do you live?” I could see that Peter wasn’t that enthusiastic, but he didn’t object.

“Not married, no children, live in Spain.”

“Spain?” They both echoed. Susan looked disappointed. “That’s a long way from here, so that’s why you’ve got such a great tan. When do you go back? I wish we could go to Spain.” I was starting to get ideas. We chatted a bit longer and then I left, promising to see them the next day.

For the next three afternoons, we met up and I bought them ice creams and orange juice and we had a few fancy cakes. The next day would be Saturday, so when we finished. I looked at Susan.

“Well, tomorrow’s Saturday. I guess you are all off somewhere for the weekend, so I’m still here next week, I guess we’ll see each other on Monday.” Susan looked at me wistfully.

“I come her sometimes at the weekend. Maybe . . .” I stopped her.

“Hey, I hate being alone at the weekend, why don’t you bring mom and we can all three maybe have a meal and go somewhere?”

“Er, I’ll talk to mom when we get back.” Peter seemed reluctant.

“I’ll be around tomorrow afternoon anyway.” Susan smiled at me. I was thrilled. She seemed to like me. Maybe I wouldn’t need to do anything underhand. I decided to wait and see what happened.

The next day’ I went down to the square. I was surprised to see that Susan was already there, but I didn’t see anyone with her. When she saw me her face broke into a big smile and she hurried over. The more I saw of her, the more beautiful she was and the more I wanted her.

“Where’s Peter and mom?” I asked. She looked a bit disappointed and she seemed to pout a bit.

“Aren’t you pleased to see me then?” She asked. I wanted to hug her, but that would certainly have been a bad idea.

“Don’t be silly. Of course I’m glad to see you. I’m just surprised that mom let you come alone. After all she doesn’t know me.”

“Mom trusts my judgement. I told her that I like you and you’re nice and she said that if I trust you and I didn’t think that you wanted to hurt me, that I should come. She says that maybe we can all meet up tomorrow if I think it’s a good idea. I think we should sit down somewhere and talk. Not here, let’s go for a walk down by the river. We walked until we found a quiet spot and we sat down.

“Max, I want to ask you some questions. Will you promise to answer truthfully? Please. If I offend you, you don’t have to answer. It’s up to you.”

“I promise to answer truthfully.” I told her.

“OK, here we go. Why aren’t you married?”

“Never found anyone that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.”

“You aren’t, you know, you aren’t gay or anything?”

“Good God, no.”

“Have you had girl friends?”

“Yes. I had quite a few when I was your age, but in the last few years, I’ve been really busy, but I’ve had a couple. Just didn’t last.”

“Second last question. Have you ever, you know, done it with a girl? You know what I mean, had sex, you know?”

“Yes I have.”

“You aren’t, I don’t know how to put this. You know, some men are much bigger than others, you know where I mean. You’re a big strong guy. Er, are you sort of, er much bigger than normal.” OMG, in for a penny, in for a pound as they used to say. I looked her right in the eye.”

“Only average, six and a half inches. You can have a look if you like.” You could have warmed a house with her blush. She went bright red. “My turn. Will you answer my questions truthfully.”

“I’ll try.”

“OK. You’re thirteen, I’m twenty-six. Why the grilling?”

“Almost fourteen, I like you Max. I like you a lot. Mom says that if a girl likes someone, she should be able to ask him questions and see if he meets her expectations.”

“Do you trust me?”

“If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be here right now. Yes I do. Mom says it’s important to be able to trust a man if you like him. She doesn’t want me to make the same mistake that she did.”

“Susan, be honest, have you, done it as you call it? Have you had sex with a man?” She looked me right in the eye.

“Yes, not with a man. I’ve done it a couple of times with Peter. Mom didn’t want me to experiment with sex with some boy at school who might give me a disease or hurt me. She told Peter and I we should do it. I haven’t done it a lot, I didn’t want to get between Pete and my mom – oh shit. I shouldn’t have said that. Sorry.” That explained a lot. I nodded,

“It’s OK, Susan, I understand. It doesn’t matter. Thank you for being honest with me.”

“Please don’t let on that I let that slip, Max.”

“Your mom sounds like an intelligent woman. I would never interfere. I like you a lot, in fact, the only reason I came here was to try to get to know you. After I saw you here when I was working, I couldn’t get you out of my mind, so I came back, just to try to get to know you.”

“OK. Here’s the last question. Where are we now? I’m twice your age, but age doesn’t matter. We can’t hook up here because they would throw us all in jail. There are ways and means. I would like this to go on, maybe even make it permanent. There’s only one little thing that bothers me a bit. Are you sure that Pete hasn’t got you pregnant or are you being careful?” She started laughing.

“Mom got me on the Pill before she let Pete touch me. I’ve been on it now for more than six months. I told you. Mom doesn’t want me to make the same mistakes that she did. I want to be with a man who will stay with me and look after me and not drop me in the shit, like my father did with my mom. My father was only seventeen when he got my mom pregnant. She thinks a man should be more mature than seventeen. I hope that we can be more than friends. I told my mom, I know exactly what I’m looking for. I don’t want some limp wristed dope who would cringe and whine if someone was trying to rape me. I want a man, a real man. I think it would be nice if it was you. The problem is that you live in Spain and I won’t see you once you go home.”

“Susan, I think you are beautiful and wonderful. I want a girl like you. I want you to come to Spain and live with me. We need to get to know each other better. I can be difficult sometimes, but if we can get past each other’s differences, I would like to make it permanent. I do have an idea. See what you think of this. It’s two months to school holidays. You all three get passports. You all come over to my place for the school holidays. Pete and mom can do their thing, you and I can get to know each other better and then we can all decide what we want to do.”

“That would be fantastic, but we can’t. Mom is hard put to feed us. We scrape by. Passports and travel cost money. We’ve never been on holiday, we just can’t afford it.”

“Silly Susan. It won’t cost you a cent. I’ll help with the passports, I’ll pay for your tickets and once you are there, it won’t cost you a cent for anything. I’m not a millionaire, but I’m not short. It will be worth it.” Susan was almost in tears.

“Oh Max, I want to hug you and kiss you, but I can’t. We can’t be seen like that. I told one of the kids at school that saw us together during the week, that you were a cousin from Spain and a fitness instructor. I really would like to, you know, be alone with you before you go back. Mom wants to meet you tomorrow. She said I should be sure that we both wanted to get to know each other better and if I was satisfied that we should meet up tomorrow. I’ll tell Peter your proposal. He can talk mom into anything.”

The next day, I was in the square, but Susan was alone. Before I could even ask her, she told me that she wanted me to come home with her to meet her mom so we could talk in private. They lived in a two bedroom flat, it was small. There was a bed settee in the living room. I guessed that it was probably for show. Susan’s mom was very pretty, and very worldly. Her name was Lorraine.

“Susan like you and trusts you. Peter says you seem to be a sensible bloke, so let’s not beat around the bush. Let’s just be honest with each other. We all have to take the responsibilities of our bodies. I don’t believe that children can’t decide what they want to do. I protect my kids from outsiders. I fucked up when I was young. I don’t want these two to do the same. Peter and I are very close. Susan knows about men and sex. If she thinks you are right for her’ I’ll go along with her judgement. I trust you won’t hurt her and you won’t let her down. You need to get to know each other properly. Peter says you want to take us to Spain for the holidays. Normally I would refuse, because I’m not a charity case, but I know that you can’t take Susan on your own and I’m not going to stand in her way, so as long as you let me do the cooking, cleaning and anything else I can help you with. I say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope it works out. The walls in this place are so bloody thin that we have to be very careful and quiet, we can’t even allow the bed springs to squeak.”

I gave her five hundred pounds to cover passports, luggage and whatever else. I gave all three of them my telephone and mobiles, email address and postal address. I told Susan that if there was anything else that she needed, she should call me and I would send extra money. I promised to stay until the following Sunday morning and we would meet every afternoon in the square. Some days Peter came with her, sometimes she came on her own.

“Max, can’t we find a place where we can be together for a couple of hours?” She asked. My body wanted to, but we had to be careful. She was a bit disappointed. “I’m not going to do anything with Peter again, I swear to you. I’m going to wait until we can be together properly.” On the Saturday morning, I took her to the bank and opened a savings account for her with a hundred pounds in it.

“If you need any extra cash between now and the holidays, just call me and I’ll transfer some more money into this account. After lunch, I took her home and we went into her bedroom and kissed and cuddled. My erection was painful. She stroked it gently.

“Poor Max, but don’t worry, I feel just the same. I’m going to count the hours until we can be together.” She was in tears when we kissed goodbye and I left.

Before I left, I confronted Peter with the video clip that I had found on the porn site. He was horrified. Apparently, his best friend boasted that he was having sex with his sister. Peter made the mistake of saying “me too”. His friend called him a liar, so he made the clip to prove it to him. His best friend (I suspected now EX-best friend) told him that he had deleted it, but Peter had no idea that he would post it on a porn site. He begged me not to tell Susan or Lorraine, so I promised to get it removed. I told him the truth that if I had never seen the video, I would never have met any of them.

Every day I got an email from her. How her day he been at school, how much she missed seeing me every day, how she looked forward to the day when we would be alone together. Her letters were very sexy, but not lewd. She certainly had a way with words and she was amazingly mature for her age. The waiting was an agony. All that I could think about was Susan and I naked together making love. I downloaded the video clip of her and her brother and then got onto the porn site and complained that this showed an underage girl and I threatened to report it to the police. In a few minutes, it was gone from the Internet.

I hired a private aircraft to take me to the UK and to take me back with my passengers. I told the family to be ready and I hired a car and drove to collect them. We landed and we drove from the small airport to my home. They were astounded to see the extent of the land and houses that I owned. They could hardly believe that other than myself, only one man with a couple of trained guard dogs lived in the village my house was in the shape of a Y. There was the entrance leading to the living room, then past there was the dining room, kitchen and study. Through the study was a short passage and then two doors. One led to the left of the Y, with four bedrooms two en-suite bathrooms a living room / kitchen and sliding doors leading to the communal courtyard with a big swimming pool. At the far end of the courtyard was another building, which housed a well equipped gym and a mat area for martial arts. The right side of the Y was the same. I gave Lorraine and Peter the key to the one part.

“What you want to do from now, is up to you. You can be private and stay on your side, I can be with Susan and we can all decide after a couple of days when, if, how and everything else. Let’s just spend a couple of days getting to enjoy being with each other and after that, we can take it from there. You’ll find plenty of food and drink in your side, but we can drive down to town it’s about twenty kilometers away and stock up tomorrow if you like. The pool is there. The gym is open. Enjoy yourselves.”

I took Susan in my arms and we started kissing. We had both been dreaming of this moment and the kisses got hotter and hotter. I opened her blouse, she wasn’t wearing anything underneath and I kissed and fondled her two beautiful breasts. She unzipped my fly and stroked my erection. She was wearing jeans. I unfastened them and slid my hand down to the fine down which covered her mound. We were both breathing very hard. I found her clit and as I gently rubbed it, she got hold of my erection and stroked it in time with my hand. It only took a minute or two before she grabbed me tightly and gave a load drawn out moan. Her body convulsed in the throes of her orgasm. As she did so, my cock just about exploded drenching my shirt and pants with jets of my semen. I cried out as my orgasm rocked me.

“Oh my God, I needed that so badly.” I told her. “I’ve been lying awake at night dreaming of making love to you and before we even got a chance, look what a mess I’ve made.”

“I needed it just as much.” She told me. “We have lots of time to make up for. Come on, let’s get those wet clothes off you and get them into the wash. My pants are wet as well.”

“Did you buy some swimwear?” I asked.

“Yes, I bought a bikini. I hope you like it.”

“I’m sure I will but you can also skinny dip as well if you want. I’m sure that Peter and Lorraine have seen your body before.” She smiled.

“Yes, but there’s a problem. None of us can swim.”

“Put that bikini on then and let me teach you. If you don’t wear something, I doubt much swimming will be on our minds.” I put my trunks on whilst she changed, when she saw me she started to giggle at the bulge in the front of my trunks.

“It’s nice to be a girl sometimes. It isn’t quite as obvious as it is for a man, but if we don’t get into the water quickly, there’s going to be a wet stain in front of my pants!” We were in the pool for about half an hour, then Peter and Lorraine came out. I put a dressing gown over Susan. I was worried that she would get sunburn, so I made her sit in the shade whilst I tried to get Peter and Lorraine to keep themselves afloat. We all agreed that we would have dinner together and Lorraine and Susan cooked a lovely meal. We opened a bottle of red wine and after dinner we watched a movie. I had a good collection of DVDs. I led Susan into the bedroom. And we undressed each other. At last. My dreams had come true. My beautiful little angel that I had been dreaming about for so long was mine. We lay together naked, exploring each other’s bodies interspersed with bouts of hot kisses. Every time her hand got near my penis, I took it away.

“Susan, my love, let me make it clear. There are no neighbors or thin walls here. I was taught by a wonderful woman, that a decent man should follow a set of rules with a woman that he loves. First, ladies always come first. Second, ladies are like Faberge eggs. They are delicate creatures. Third a decent man is just a tool to be used by his lady to extract every possible scrap of pleasure. There are no rules in sex, you can be an animal if you want. You can cry, shout, swear, and do anything that pleasures you. Just try not to do any real damage, but if you accidentally give me bruises or a scratch, I won’t complain, because I’ll know that it was an accident of passion. You also have to teach me what gives you the most pleasure, so talk to me and help me to learn how to best please you.” Her hand found my erection. I took it away.

“No ways.” I told her. “It’s alright for you girls, you can climax as many times as you want. Us poor blokes have to rest after each one. It isn’t fair, because I don’t think that you are going to get too much sleep tonight.” Three times, I brought her to body wracking orgasms, with tongue and fingers. This was perfect. She had beautiful small, firm breasts. They brought back memories of the girls I had fucked when I was at school. The triangle of. golden fine down, was nothing like the harsh black public hair of the previous women that I had gone out with. There was no smell of urine and she tasted delicious. Eventually, I could take it no longer. I got between her open legs.

“Are you ready for this?” I questioned.

“Max, to tell you the truth, I’ve been ready for this since the first time I set eyes on you in the square, long before I met you. I used to dream about you, but I thought then, that this would never happen and that it would remain a lovely dream. I know I’m only young, but I know what I want. What I want more than anything else right now, is you and if you even think about another woman, I’ll scratch her eyes out and yours as well. Now stop talking and start fucking, before I lose my mind.” She guided my erection into her lovely young body. She was incredibly wet and wonderfully tight but comfortable. She raised her hips to get more of me in her and I started with long, slow strokes, she closed her eyes, lost in the feeling. I felt very tender and protective. She was meeting my downstrokes with her up strokes. We were in perfect sync. She increased the tempo, but after a few minutes, she clutched my arm.

“Slowly again, my love. I want to make this last. I’ve dreamed of this just about every night.” I also wanted this to last. It was almost out of this world. We kept varying the tempo and sometimes stopping when I was on the brink. After about half an hour, she opened her big, brown eyes. Please Max, I can’t hold on any longer. Fill me with your love Max. Oh, sweet Jesus, oh, my God.” Her body jerked and she gasped. Then another and finally she grabbed my arms. Mmmmaaaaaaaxxxxx, I love you so much.” Two or three more thrusts and I joined her in paradise. We just clung to each other, our combined juices were all over us and the bed, but it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered, the world had ceased to exist, there were just the two of us. It was a mind-blowing experience. I had never felt anything as good as this before. I stroked her hair and nuzzled against her, reassuring her of my undying love. We were just lost in the moment.

Several hours later I woke, we were still clinging to each other. My arm was numb, I was getting cramp in my legs. As I extricated myself, she woke up. We made love again, it was even better this time. When we awoke in the morning, we made love again. What a wonderful way to start the day. We all met at the pool for a morning swim before breakfast. Lorraine hadn’t quite got the hang of swimming yet, but Peter and Susan could already keep their heads above water and Peter was helping his mom.

We all had breakfast together and then decided to drive to town for some shopping. When we got out of the car, I put my arm around Susan. She pulled away.

“Don’t be silly, someone might see us.” I laughed.

“It doesn’t matter, love, the age of consent here is still thirteen, but the clowns in the UK and USA are pushing the EU to make it sixteen, but it hasn’t happened yet. It makes me sick to think that these bloody fools who call themselves a government, think they can regulate how young people feel and what they can and can’t do. Sure there are bad people who take advantage, but changing the law will just make things worse because now innocent people who are in love will be victimized.” It was Lorraine who gave me the idea.

“Max, why don’t you make your little village a haven for people like us who genuinely love each other?” That was how it started.

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  1. Uncle Panda 01/08/2022

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