It All Went Wrong (M,jailbait)

It All Went Wrong (M,jailbait)

Prologue: A young boy gets the hots for a girl at his school. His dad wants to help him to date her, but ends up taking her himself
Author Uncle Tony.
“Dad, why are girls such bitches?” My son Danny was in a mood. I could see. He was twelve, well built, muscular and quite a good looking lad. Well most of the girls at his school thought so anyway, but he had eyes only for one of them. At thirteen, he already was thinking about girls.
“So now what has she done?” I asked him.
“I try so hard, dad, but she treats all the boys with contempt. She dropped her hankie today, so I picked it up and gave it to her. She didn’t even say thanks. She just snatched it out of my hand and walked away” I laughed.
“She doesn’t like you Danny, it’s that simple. Maybe she’s a lesbian.” He looked downcast.
“I don’t think so, dad. All the girls in school hate her, she’s by far the prettiest girl in the town and they are all jealous. She really is gorgeous dad. I really want to go out with her, but she doesn’t even see me.” I never took Danny to school, her usually went on his bicycle or if it was wet his mom took him.
“Hmm, I’ll have to have a look at this wonder girl, I told him. I’ll take you to school tomorrow and you can point her out.” I didn’t have a full time job. I was a musician. I composed music for TV and advertisements. I was also a keen body builder and martial artist. I had black belts in Jiujitsu and karate. I used computers to generate my music and I knew computers so well that most of the folks from the gym and the clubs, asked me to fix their PCs if they got a problem.
Next morning I took Danny to school, we parked over the road and waited. It wasn’t long before a black Mercedes arrived and this girl got out. Danny was right. She was stunning, she looked about sixteen, quite tall, slim, curves in all the right places, dark brown hair, done in a pony tail and this girl was working out, that was obvious to me. Then her dad got out of the car to wave to her and surprisingly, he was one of my karate students.
“There she is.” Danny told me. “Her name is Angela.” I watched her go into the school and waited for her dad to drive off.
“You’re right about her being a beauty, Danny. But isn’t she a bit old for you? She must be fifteen or sixteen.”
“No way.” Danny said. “She’s in the same year as me.” I was surprised. I’m a happily married man, but my wife understands that men sometimes need a bit extra, so as long as she knows who I’m going with and it isn’t going to be permanent, she’s quite OK with it. I would never go behind her back. If I fancy something, which so far hadn’t happened. I had to tell her before and she wanted to be sure that I wasn’t  running any risks of social diseases. I made up my mind there and then that I wanted to fuck this rude little brat, first to teach her a lesson and secondly to open the way for my son to at least have sex with her a few times.
I went home and told my wife, she thought that it was a good idea, but we both had principles. No rape. No violence, but other that that, all’s fair. For the next few weeks I watched her carefully. She only went out on her own on Sunday’s. She seemed to have no friends. On Sunday’s, she took her bicycle and went down to the river. She would sit in the sun and read. Then she would go to the shops and look in the shops. Have coffee and an ice cream, and then either go back to the river or to the park. There was a covered pagoda thing in the park and if it was raining she would sit in that.
At the same time, I started to cultivate a rapport with her dad. He was in my beginners class, so I took a bit of extra interest in him and suggested that he might like to join the gym. He told me that he had a small gym at home and he trained with his two girls. He had another daughter as well called Diana, she was only six years old. He quickly discovered that I was a bit of a computer geek, so a few weeks later, he asked me if I could have a look at his daughter’s computer as he thought it needed more memory. I had no idea which daughter it was but I took with me a tiny camera with a fairly wide angle lens. Fortunately, the computer was in Angela’s bedroom, I opened it up and Fred, her dad, just left me to it. I found the perfect place for my spy camera. No-one would find it unless they knew it was there. It transmitted the scene via a wireless connection over a very secure VPN to my computer at home. I was hoping to get some video of her naked and even better, masturbating and I could maybe use this to get her to co-operate. I checked her mail and looked for social networking software, but there was none. This girl indeed had no social life at all.
When I got home, that evening, I watched the live video stream. She sat down and worked on her computer for a while, then left the room, then a couple of hours later she came back, went into the bathroom and then came back in her pajamas and climbed into bed and went to sleep. The next night was the same. On the third night, it changed. She came from the bathroom and instead of getting into bed, she sat on the edge of the bed waiting for something. I didn’t have sound, but I could see she was calling someone. A few minutes later, Fred and his wife came into the room. She kissed her daughter goodnight and went out, leaving Fred behind. Fred started kissing his daughter. She kissed him back, clothes started to be removed. The next thing, Angela was on her knees giving Fred a blow job. This was more than I had ever expected. Then, they got onto the bed and after a couple of seconds of foreplay, Fred started fucking her. I watched as he went at it for a good fifteen minutes and then he dumped his load, deep inside his twelve year old daughter. They then got into bed and put out the light, so mom obviously knew what Fred was doing and approved. It was more than I had ever hoped for. I had the entire show on HD video.
I showed my wife Julie. As expected, she wasn’t surprised. To us there was absolutely nothing wrong with it. Angela seemed to have enjoyed it, I suspected that she was either on the pill or it was the safe period of the month, because there was certainly no condom involved.
“Well you certainly have her by the short and curlies.” Julie laughed. “Are you going to let Danny have her as well?”
“Let’s wait and see what happens.” I told her. “I am definitely going to have a piece of this.”
“Looking at her, I suspect that you are going to have quite a few pieces of that. Well, she’s clean, sh’s gorgeous and I’m sure that you’ll enjoy it. Just try to make sure that she does as well. Don’t be rough or horrid to the poor kid.” By this time Angela had seen me with her dad,  so she knew who I was. The next Sunday, I drove down to the river. As always it was very quiet where she used to sit. It was a beautiful day. She put her bike on the ground and went to her usual spot and sat down. I waited for a while and then walked down picked up her bike and put it into the back of my station wagon. She didn’t even notice that I had it for a while, then she saw it in the back of my vehicle. She got up and came running over to me.
“Hey, that’s my bicycle, what the hell are you trying to do. I slammed the back closed. I grabbed her wrist.
“Get into the car, now. I’m not going to hurt you, you know me. I want to show you something.”
“I’m going to tell my dad about this as soon as I get home. You’ll be in big trouble mister.” I drove her to my house. I took her through the side door into my study.
“Sit down and shut up.” I told her. Now she was really pissed.
“When I tell my dad that you forced me here and you took my bicycle, he going to go straight to the police, you bastard. I thought you were a friend of my father. How dare you bring me here?” On the wall was a very large TV screen. I switched it on.
“I don’t thing you’ll be going to the cops anytime soon.” I told her as I switched on the DVD that I’d made. She watched in complete disbelief as the scene unfolded. She started to cry. All the bluster had vanished.
“Please turn it off.” She sobbed, as her dad started to fuck her. I’d done a bit of editing.
“Angela, just sit and listen very carefully. Here’s how it is. I have no problem with you and your dad getting together, what I do have a problem with is your bad attitude. You treat everyone like shit. You are rude and anti-social and that has to stop. If you tell your dad or go to the cops, your life is over. Your mother and father go to prison, you get taken into care along with your little sister. As far as I am concerned, no-one will ever get to see this DVD. It will go into my safe. It’s up to you.” She looked up at me, tears were running down her face.
“You don’t understand. No-one understands. It’s not my fault.”
“How can it not be your fault. You have a really bad attitude.” She grabbed my arm.
“It’s not me. Look, my dad and I do it. I didn’t mind. He’s kind, he’s gentle, he doesn’t hurt me. I love my dad, but he’s very jealous. He won’t allow me to even talk to boys and he gets pissed off if I try to make friends with girls as well. It wasn’t so bad when we started doing it when I was ten, but he’s got more and more jealous. He’s even got a couple of girls at school that watch me and report to him. I think he does them as well. Mom won’t interfere, she says she would rather have dad do me every week than some boy who’ll give me a disease and hurt me. She put me on the Pill and dad is allowed to sleep with me for one night every week. I’m allowed out alone on Sunday’s and that’s the only time that I’m more or less free. Please don’t tell anyone about dad and I. I don’t want him to go to prison. I just wish he’d cut me some slack. What do you want from me? I don’t have any money of my own.” I started to feel sorry for her. Tears were running down her face. I sat down by her side and held her close. She didn’t fight with me.
“Angela, you are very, very beautiful, and you know it. I’m not surprised that your dad is jealous, but if he carries on like this he’s going to ruin your life. Either that or he’ll ruin your mom’s life because when you get older. He’s probably going to have to choose between your mother or you and you’ll be stuck. What happens next is mostly up to you. I say mostly, because you and I are going to have sex and more than once. I promise to be gentle and to try to help you to enjoy it, but it WILL happen and the first time is going to be today.” She looked me up and down.
“I could do a lot worse I suppose. I can’t really refuse, can I? What about the things that I can control?”
“You know that your dad comes to my karate club and he also started working out at the gym. I’ve got to know him reasonably well. I won’t do it now, but with your permission, I’ll have a word with him. I will try to make him understand that whilst I don’t disapprove of what you and he are doing, if anyone ever finds out, it’s the end of everything. I’ll make it clear that I actually approve of what he’s done and is doing, he mustn’t let his jealousy ruin your life and maybe his and your mom’s as well.” Angela sat and thought about it. She certainly wasn’t stupid.
“That has worried me a bit. See, mom talked me into letting dad do me, when I was ten. I started getting interested in boys and mom told me that dad loved me and wouldn’t be rough like a new boy would be and he would teach me. It hurt a bit the fist time, but mom warned me that it would. After that, I would get to sleep with him every Wednesday night. Sometimes he would do me at weekends and during holidays when mom went out. She didn’t mind him doing me. It was nice. He never hurt me, he always used that Durex stuff. I like the Aloe Vera one best. I’ve had orgasms a couple of times. Yeah, I’d like it if dad gave me some slack, but if you talk to him,he’ll know that I told you.”
“No, if you tell me who the two girls are that watch you, I’ll get it out of them. Then you are in the clear. Is your dad the only person who ever had sex with you?” She looked a bit shocked.
“Yes, I’m not like that. I don’t mind dad doing me. It makes him happy and as I said, it’s OK he doesn’t force me or hurt me.” I took her hand.
“Come on Angela. Let’s try and rectify your one man only. My wife and son are out shopping and the cinema, they won’t be ready to come home before five and I know that you only start for home about then, so we have lots of time.” I led her upstairs to the spare bedroom. “Angela. I want you to try to enjoy this. I know that you can’t say no, but I really don’t intend to hurt you. She stroked the bulge in my pants.
“You’re nice. I never expected anything like this to ever happen but it has. It’s no good trying to fight. You’ve got me and I intend to try to enjoy the new experience. She unfastened my belt and unzipped me. My pants dropped to the ground she yanked down my shorts and stroked my erection. “I’m glad this isn’t as big as the rest of you.” I helped her to take off her top, revealing two small, firm, very kissable breasts. They were perfect. She was wearing a pair of very short hot pants. She unfastened them and they dropped to the ground. She hooked her thumbs into the tops of her lacy pink panties and wiggled out of them. We got onto the bed and I started kissing her. It didn’t take long, before she warmed up to the occasion. I stroked and kissed and caressed her lovely breasts, with tongue and fingers. My hands were working down her body, getting closer and closer to the treasure I was seeking. It took me about ten minutes to reach the pot of gold. She gasped as my fingers traced the length of her pussy and found her clit. I had noticed in the movie that Fred didn’t go much for foreplay, so I made a meal of it. I started kissing her down, past her breasts, down past her belly button until I could get my tongue to work on the prize. She was getting wet, very wet. Her breathing was getting ragged. I was just flicking her clit with my tongue, but as she got more and more excited, I sucked it into my mouth and started licking it continuously. Her hands gripped my head and she ground her hips against my face. Her head was rolling from side to side.then she cried out. It was more a long, loud groan, which reached a crescendo as her body tensed and the upper half came up off the bed.. A long series of shudders started. Her eyes were closed. Her face was red and she was gasping for breath. She just lay there for a moment and then she opened her eyes.
“Oh my God, that was something else. I almost died of pleasure. If this is being raped,my God I like it.” We started kissing again. She grasped my erection. It was like an electric shock. I thought it was going to burst. We lay facing each other. She helped me to find the entrance to the tunnel of love. My dick was soaking wet and so was she. I slid inside her. It was like heaven.
“You need to teach me.” I gasped. “I really want you to enjoy this as much as before, just tell me where and how it feels best for you. I varied the length of the stroke and the speed. I reached a certain point where I was about three quarters inside and moving only an inch or two when she gripped me hard.
“That’s it. Just keep it like that.” Then only a minute or two later. “Oh shit it’s good. I’ve never had anything like this. Oh I can’t, oh yes, please hold me tight.” The height difference stopped me from seriously kissing her, but I pulled her close as she cried out and her second orgasm started. It seemed to be even more intense than the first. I couldn’t wait any longer. Ropes of my hot sticky seed decorated the inside of her vagina. She clung to me like a drowning man, her fingers digging painfully into my flesh. This was amazing, she was so fucking desirable. I knew this relationship couldn’t last for any length of time, but I never wanted to stop. My cock wanted to shrink, but her vaginal muscles were milking my cock and my brain as well, I was still semi-hard. As I looked at her wonderful little body and thought about what we had just done, my dick started to harden again. She felt it swelling inside her.
Oh my God, no. Not again. I think I’ll die if I do it again. I couldn’t have stopped, even if I had wanted to. I started moving again. My desire was more intense that it had been for a long time. After a minute or so, she started to respond, and moments later we were fucking like two wild animals. She was muttering incoherently and our movements were synchronized as we just fucked each other. Time stood still. Only the two of us existed, nothing else mattered we were lost in each other. I was in a warm velvet tunnel. We made obscene noises as my dick slammed in and out of her little body. How long we fucked I had no idea, neither of us wanted it to stop. Eventually, I could tell that she was on the brink.
“Come on, Angela. I can’t hold it much longer. Her response was to dig her fingers into me and slam against me even wilder. Then she cried out.
“Aaaaaaaarrrrrgggghhh.” She crushed herself against me as I held her tightly and rammed my dick into her as far as it would go as I spurted a second load of my hot sticky semen into her perfect body. I thought I would never stop. I completely emptied myself into her. We hung together like that for a long time until my dick just fell out of her.. We never spoke. We were just drenched in sweat and we could hardly breathe. We separated for a moment and then she put her head on my shoulder. I had my arm around her and held her bum and pulled her close. Within minutes, she was fast asleep. I followed her soon after. When we woke it was almost three o’clock. She yawned and stretched lazily.
“How was that?” I asked. She grinned.
“Do you really need to ask? Let me put it like this. Are you going to rape me again next weekend. I think I like being raped,” I kissed her.
“I want to rape you as often as I can, but I didn’t hear you screaming very loud for help.”
“Well I’m just a poor little girl that’s being forced to protect her daddy’s virtue. At least that’s my story. I’m going to give you the names of the girls that I think are spying on me for dad and if you can get anything out of one of them, I would like you to talk to my dad. After today, I want him to stop. I belong to you from now on. It was the best day I’ve ever had. Can we do it again next Sunday?” We showered and cleaned up. We went downstairs and had a very late lunch. Then we kissed and cuddled until half past four and she left.
When my wife came back, I told her wha had happened. I didn’t hold back. We had always been honest with each other.
“I feel about her, the same as I did about you when we first got together. I know the plan was to try and fix up Danny, but I just can’t do it.” My wife was a very understanding woman.
“I suppose that I should be jealous, but I’m not. I don’t see why you shouldn’t have a mistress or another partner as long as it makes you and her happy and you don’t stop loving me. I can’t regard a fourteen year old as serious competition. I’m only twenty seven and you’re twenty eight, so there’s a fourteen year age gap. You’ll probably not tire of her, but she may well tire of you. We’ll have to see. I have no problem taking Danny out for the afternoon and going to the shops and cinem. We had a great time. What are you going to tell Danny?”
“I’m going to fix him up with someone else.” I told her. “First I need to get hold of the two spies and sort things out with Angela’s father.
Next day, I went down to the school to pick up Danny. In conversation, I got him to point out the two girls. One was picked up by her mom and the other walked home. Her nam was Claire. On Tuesday, I went on foot and followed the girl. In the shopping mall that she went through, I caught up and ‘accidentally’ bumped into her quite hard, sending her books flying. I apologized profusely and offered to buy her an ice cream. Like most girls she was flattered to be offered something by a well dressed bronzed man with big muscles. As we ate our ice cream, I told her how lovely she was. My theory was that if a girl would let Fred fuck her, my chances were pretty good. H ws very flattered that someone of my age and status was interested in her.
“I’m Claire.” She told me. “You’re nice a real gentleman. I don’t have. Lot of friends, What’s your name?”
“I’m Geoff.” I told her. “I’m not sure why, but I like you a lot. How old are you?”
“I’m sixteen.” She told me. “I’ll be leaving school at the end of term. I’ll be looking for a job soon.”
“Maybe I can help you when the time comes.” I told her. “I know a lot of business people. They come to my karate club. I’ll talk to some of them. You’ll have to give me your CV.”
On Wednesday, I hung around the mall and greeted her when I saw her. I bought her another ice cream and told her that I just wanted to see her again. We met in the mall again on Thursday.
“We have to be careful.” She told me. “We don’t want people to get the wrong idea. Can’t we meet somewhere a bit more private?”
“How about Saturday if it isn’t raining?” I asked.
“Oh yes, where though?”
I’ll pick you up at the bus stop down the road from your house at two o’clock. Is that alright?”
She had a skimpy top and shorts. I drove just out of town to a very secluded spot I used to come to with girls when I was a kid. I brought a blanket and a picnic basket. I had food, cake, cold drinks and a bottle of wine. We had a glass of wine and she put her face up to mine to be kissed. I kissed her and she put her arm down my pants until she found my erection. I fondled her breasts and she helped me take the top right off. She was actually a very pretty girl, but she wore very unsuitable spectacles and her hair style was dreadful. I unfastened her shorts.
“It’s OK.” She whispered. “I’m not a virgin or anything. You have to understand Geoff, I don’t let any man do this to me. I don’t sleep around. Only my brother and one other older guy. It’s just that you have a great body and you’re nice.” She had my pants off and I picked them up.  She looked alarmed. “What’s wrong?” I pulled out a packet of condoms. “You don’t need those.” She whispered. “I’m on the pill.”
“Before we do anything, you know I’m a married man, don’t you? I want to, because you’re so pretty, but it’s not going to be permanent or anything.”
“I know. But it’s nice. I would really like to do it with you” She opened her legs for me. I started to fuck her. She lay quietly under me. Her eyes closed. There was no real response. “You can come inside me. It’s OK.” She murmured. After some time, she gave a little gasp and I felt her muscles tighten. I wasn’t sure but I guessed it was an orgasm of sorts. I pulled out and covered her tummy with a puddle of my semen.
“Better safe than sorry.” I murmured. “That was great.” I lied. “Was it good for you?”
“Oh yes, my brother does sex with me whenever he comes home. I have to keep still and be very quiet because we don’t want my folks to hear they are very old fashioned. The other guy. I only let him do it once”
“Do you do it a lot?” I asked her. “With dad or boys?”
“Dad’s not interested, my elder bro does it when he’s home and there’s an older guy I let him have sex with me once. He got me a bit drunk and I let him, but only once..” She seemed quite happy to discuss her sex life with me.
“Do I know him?” I asked.
“Girls should never tell. He pays me to watch his daughter. I’m pretty sure that he’s doing her, because I have to tell him if I see her talking to any of the boys. He gives me a fiver every week” that was all that I needed. We kissed and cuddled a bit and then I took her to the bus stop as the bus arrived. “Can we do it again sometime?” She asked.
“I’ll try.” I replied. “Thanks for a wonderful afternoon. It was great”
“No, thank you.” She laughed. “You did all the hard work.” Now I had some ammunition to confront Fred. On Sunday Angela arrived ten minutes early. I opened the door and she rushed in and flung her arms around me.
“Hold me tight Geoff, please.” She was crying. “Please Geoff.” She pulled me towards the stairs. She was taking her clothes off as we climbed the stairs. She hurriedly helped me to shed mine. I wanted foreplay, but she stopped me.
“No, Geoff. Please, just do it. I’ve had a horrible week.i want to feel you inside me and I desperately need to come. Oh, Geoff. I need you so badly.” I obliged. It didn’t last long for either of us. When we had finished, I held her close.
“Now tell me what’s wrong, Angela. Something is bothering you.” She took a deep breath.
“After I left you on Sunday, I knew that you were right. I told my mom that dad is getting too jealous and that its time I stopped having to sleep with him every Wednesday. She told me no-one was forcing me, so I told her that dad was forcing me and paying girls to report to him if I even spoke to a boy and that I wanted a life of my own. I told her that if dad went on like this, he would eventually have to choose between me and her and I didn’t want him. I wanted to live my own life.” She was a bit pissed off at first, but then she tackled dad. There was a hell of a fight. Mom told him that if he didn’t stop and he wouldn’t leave me alone that she would go to the cops and file for a divorce. It all ended with dad telling me that he wanted nothing more to do with me and that I could do as I liked and when I got raped or caught some disease, I mustn’t complain to him. He told me that men would just want to get into my pants and fuck me and after a few times they would dump me like a bag of rotten apples. It’s true, Geoff’ isn’t it? Now you’ve had me, you’ll just dump me, won’t you, because if your wife finds out . . .” I put my hand to her mouth.
“Don’t say another word.” I picked up my phone and called my wife. “Julie, can you leave Danny somewhere  for a short while and come back here and meet Angela, the girl I told you about. She thinks that when you find out, I’ll be in trouble. Can you get back here and sort her out?” I put the phone down. Angela was white.
“What have you done?”
“I tell my wife everything Angela, and if this relationship is to go on, I’ll tell you everything as well and I expect the same of you. Julie knows that men are men. I promised before we married that if I ever fancied another woman I would tell her. I’ve never had another girl until I met you.” Angela sat as quiet as a mouse. I’m not sure what she expected. Julie came in. She hugged Angela.
“I’m pleased to meet you, Angela. I know all about you. I have no problems with sharing my husband with you for as long as it lasts. I’m not actually against polygamy, within reason. Many French and Italians have mistresses. Men will always be men. They will never really be monogamous. I don’t know why women make such a big fuss. If a man has room in is heart for two women, why not? Why should he always be forced to dump one of them? I know Geoff very well. I doubt very much if he will ever get tired of a lovely girl like you. You really are all that he described. You’ll probably get tired of him. In any case, as long as you both enjoy each other and you don’t try to stop him from loving me as well. We won’t ever have a problem. If I hear of you sleeping around, then it’s over, I promise you. Now let me get back to my son, before he starts to worry.” Angela didn’t know what to say. Eventually, she broke the silence.
“Geoff, your wife is adorable, she is so beautiful and so intelligent. Please don’t dump me. I like you a lot. I think I’m in love with you. It wasn’t love at first sight, but it was certainly love at first fuck. I can’t stop thinking about you. I want to be with you all the time.”
“Julie’s right, Angela. You’re only fourteen. You’ll probably get tired of me soon and find a young stud. I’m not like your dad. Feel free to do as you like, but when you find another guy, please tell me the truth. I won’t be cross. You have a right to live life the way that you want to do and if you make mistakes, you’ll probably learn from them. Now it’s already after eleven. What do you want to do now?”
“I want you to kiss me. I want to sit close to you and enjoy being with you. Why don’t you teach me some karate, or better, let’s go upstairs and do it again.”
My problem now was Danny. He wouldn’t be very impressed with his dad taking the girl that he had the hots for. I had an idea.  The next day, I went down to the mall and met up with Claire. She was really happy to see me and her face it up.
“Hi Geoff, I wasn’t sure if I would ever see you again, but I’m so glad. I had a lovely weekend.”
“My car’s in the parking garage.” I told her. “Come on, I want to talk to you.”
“But Geoff, it’s late. I can’t stay out for too long.” I put my finger to my lips.
“I said talk, that’s all.” She looked sad but relieved. When we got into the car, I gave her a kiss. “Now listen to me carefully. Here’s my offer, non-negotiable.” She looked concerned. I went on. “I’m not sure if you know my son Danny. He goes to the same school as you.”
“What year is her in?” She asked. When I told her, she smiled. “Oh, he must be younger than me, then I wouldn’t know him, I’m afraid.”
“Well, you need a job, he needs a girl. You are exceptionally pretty and intelligent. I would be very happy if you gave him a chance? He hasn’t had a girl yet. He won’t push you, he’s a gentleman. Will you give him a chance?” She thought about it for a moment. Then she said. ” Let me meet him and if I like him, I don’t have a boyfriend. I don’t see why not in spite of the ages.”
“Right, now I’ll come right out to the point. Please don’t be offended. I’m trying to help. You hair style doesn’t suit you at all. I’ve made an appointment at a top hair stylist for you and I’ll pay for it. I’m also sending you to a top class optician. Get your eyes tested and we’ll get you some fancy spectacles that will really enhance your beauty.” She looked at me.
“You are very kind Geoff. I agree, but on two conditions. One, that I like your son and two. I want to be with you one more time, call it my gratitude, my folks don’t have much money to buy fancy things for me.. Is that OK?”
“I agree. We’ll meet on Saturday like last week, if it’s not raining. Afterwards, I’ll buy you lunch and take you to meet Danny. If you like him, offer him your hand to kiss. If you don’t, just shake hands.  I made appointments for you to go to the hairdresser on Tuesday and the optician on Wednesday.” I handed her the two appointment cards. “I’ll meet you at the opticians and help you to select. I gave your CV to two people I know. I should know if they are interested by Wednesday. It means that you’ll have to take two days away from school, but as its near end of term and you are job hunting, it should be alright.” She kissed me and I dropped her off by her bus stop.
On Wednesday, I met her at the optician. Her hair had been completely restyled, it suited her and the new specs we selected really helped make her very lovely. She would never be as beautiful as Angela or my wife, but very fuckable. Neither of us wanted to wait for the weekend, so we went back to my spot and this time I wanted to really enjoy her.
“Look.” I told her. You aren’t at home now. No-one can hear us, so you don’t have to keep still or be quiet. Just let yourself go. We started kissing and clothes were removed. She had nice breasts. A bit bigger than I liked, but, hey, never look a gift horse in the mouth. This time, I got moans from her as I kissed and sucked her nipples. Her labia were already parted and she was very ready. I got to work with my tongue and fingers and brought her to two major orgasms. I got her on her knees and fucked her for a few minutes. Then I got her on top. She was having the time of her life. Then we went back to doggie style again. I managed to get her to her fourth orgasm before I unloaded an incredible amount of my hot sperm inside her. I just clung to her after my orgasm, massaging her breasts. When I finally fell out of her, it was followed by a waterfall of my semen. It oozed out of her. God, it was so sexy. I fought the urge to fuck her again.
“You have an interview next week on Tuesday with one of my students. He’s a veterinary surgeon. He’s looking for an assistant and he’ll help you with further studies at the Tech.” I kissed her and I dropped her off back in town.
On Saturday morning, she came to my house. I invited her in and Julie made tea. When Danny came down, she almost instantly put out her hand for him to kiss. He was surprised. After tea, I suggested that Danny walk her home. She rose to the occasion.
“There’s a film on that I really wanted to see, but I’m scared to go on my own.” She told him. “There are too many bad people out there. Would you go with me?”  I gave Danny twenty pounds.
“Why don’t you be a gentleman and take her? He was very eager and they left together. An hour later Angela arrived. And Julie and her prepared lunch. Life was good, the two women got on well together. After lunch, I took Angela up to what had now become our room and we enjoyed each other for several hours. I hoped that when she could leave home in a few years’ that she would move in with us and we would be a happy family. When Danny came home, he was very excited.
“She really likes me. I’m going out with her again tomorrow.” His jaw dropped a bit when Angela came downstairs.
“Er, h-h-hello.” He muttered weakly. Julie came to the rescue.
“She’s daddy’s  new special friend. I think you’ll see her around quite a bit.” To emphasize the point, Angela and I indulged in a long and quite passionate kiss.
“Your dad told me that you took Claire on a date. She’s a lovely girl. Be nice to her, she doesn’t have a very good home life.” Angela told him. “When I met your dad, I just fell in love with him. Fortunately, your mom doesn’t mind sharing a bit of him with me.” I wasn’t sure whether or not he was mad with me for stealing the girl he wanted, but two weeks later when he had got his first blow job and fucked Claire, he was one very happy boy.
Years later they moved in together. Angela moved in with us and we all lived together peacefully.


  1. Goose 14/07/2020
  2. billy vincent 16/10/2020
  3. Mike 12/01/2021
    • Leon 22/09/2021

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